A Report on - Guest Lecture by Dr. Ivory Lyons on Slavery in Americas on 16th June 2014
a Monday morning, Dr. Ivory Lyons, Professor from University of Mount Union,
Ohio, brimming with energy addressed the English Honours class on slavery in
Americas. He embarked upon a journey to trace this practice called The Atlantic
Slave Trade, from 1500’s to the 1850’s. With the aid of various maps, he
vividly pointed out to the tiresome journey undertaken by the captured
Africans, Triangle Trade.
practice of indentured servitude enabled the colonizer to officially conduct
trade without disobeying the Christian belief. At this point in history the
whites and blacks worked together under the contract. These captured immigrants
were then sent to the lands with the help of canoes. These canoes were
overcrowded and lacked basic amenities. Due to this neglect, mortality rate in
this form of transportation increased tremendously. But those who survived
guaranteed a healthy profit for the slave traders. They were then sold off in
the markets to the highest bidder. The “best physical” condition fared a
handsome price. The treatment meted out to these captured Africans was worse
than that of animals.
of Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle brought to life the maltreatment and
atrocities committed. These castles have dungeons where the Africans were kept
by captors to await embarkment. The females were kept separately, away from
both man and child. The tribes were also not allowed to stay together in order
to prevent any feelings of solidarity or so to say humanness. “The Doors of No
Return” allowed them to enter the ships that took them away forever.

can be good. Do not doubt that even for a second.”
He concluded the gathering with this belief.
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