Report On Maps (Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary) India Video Conference Organized By department Of Life Sciences On August 31, 2018

MAPS (Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary) is an effort initiated by award-winning Canadian musician, yogi, activist and author, Parvati, through her NGO to protect the Arctic region from commercialization and pollution. In this regard, MAPS Ambassadors Uttama Anderson , Karen Ho and Mathew Edassery ( based in Canada) had preliminary talks with Dr Suma S (Dept of Life Sciences) and Prof. Phinu Jose (CSA) to initiate efforts in Christ (Deemed to be University) for protecting Arctic region. The first official video conference of MAPS officials with faculty and student lead volunteers of Christ was conducted on August 31 2018, Fridayfrom 8 AM IST, in the Council room, Central block, Main Campus of Christ.Christ University is the first educational institution in India to have such a collaboration with Mathew and Karen Ho,the MAPS ambassadors were the resource persons for the Skype Conference....