USHUS 2011 – A Report

USHUS 2011 – A Report The year 2011 marked the successful completion of 14 years of the management fest, Ushus. The theme of Ushus was Inicio, meaning, the beginning. The event gained momentum with the formation of student and faculty teams. The initial tasks of identifying the theme and designing of the brochure for sponsorships started in the month of September 2011. At the same time, teams and committees were formed from the senior group of students. The sponsorship team also started its work of sourcing funds during this period. The student core team worked on budget estimates and other details. Invitations in e-copy format were dispatched to b-schools across the country by mid of October. It was also followed up by sending the hardcopies. Sponsorships came in the form of some cash and vouchers for some of the events. Ushus 2011 also marked the launch of the Ushus logo. The logo was sourced through an in-house competition. With respect to individual eve...