Report On Biodiversity Field Trip To Valley School, Kanakpura Road, Organized By The Department Of Life Sciences On 13 July 2019

A field trip was organized on 13 July 2019 for second year M.Sc. Zoology students to assess the biodiversity in the forest surrounding Valley School, Kanakpura Road accompanied by Dr P U Antony. It is located in Thatguni at a distance of 17 km away from the Bangalore city. The trip was aimed at understanding biodiversity and various methods and methodologies of observing biodiversity like the point transact and the line transact. Various species of birds were observed ranging from drongos to the wild fowl, wild boar rest areas, and possible vulture nests. New techniques were taught to identify animals with their peculiar calls. The overall visit exemplified on the fact that it is important to learn about the biodiversity and even more important to conserve it.