A Report on Inauguration of Activities of Electronics Club

The Activities of the Electronics Club, an association of Electronics (BSc.) students of Christ University, for the Academic year 2014-15 were formally inaugurated on Friday, 18 July 2014 by Prof. Chandrabhas Narayan of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, (JNCASR) Bangalore. The inaugural function at Sky View, 10th floor, Central Block, started with an invocation song by Ms. Sahana of V semester CME and Ms. Apoorva Hegde of V semester PME, followed by the welcome speech by Prof. Benny Sebastian, Head of the Department of Electronics. Shaaz Ahmed of III semester PME presented an overview of the activities of the Electronics Club. The inaugural address was given by Prof. Chandrabhas Narayan of JNCASR, Bangalore. He spoke on Career Options in the field of Science. With the help of power point presentation, he listed out various opportunities for the undergraduate students of Science. He explained in detail about the eligibility, Entra...