Media Meet 2011

Two day National Seminar - Media Meet 2011 which was held on the 2 nd and 3 rd of September, began with an inauguralceremony at 9 30 AM, held in the auditorium. The ceremony began with the lighting of the lamp for which the dignitaries, Fr. Vice Chancellor, Mr. Krishnaswamy and the Chief Guest, Mr. Harish Bijoor, Mr Harish Bijoor touched on the basics of advertising and explored the present, past as well its future with special refer- ence to the representation of men in Indian media over the years. The different events that were held during the meet were Ad-Centric (paper presentation), Adzap (Ice breaker), Ad making (viral video competition), iQ (Quiz), Pitch it Right, workshops based on ad photography, social media marketing, print ads, audio visuals, etc. The key event for media meet was the panel discussion held on 3 rd September which was moderated by Prof Anil Pinto. The panelists for the evening were Ms.SnehaIype, Ms.Valerie Pinto, Mr.VikramSood, Mr. VimalParathsarathy and ...