Report on Guest Lecture organized by Biotechnology Association on December 6, 2014

The Department of Biotechnology organised the fifth guest lecture of 2014-15 on 6 December 2014 in the Mini Auditorium, Block I of Christ University Main Campus. Dr. T. S. Balganesh, distinguished Scientist CSIR, and Head of the Open Source Drug Discovery Unit delivered a talk on “Antibiotics: are we losing the war?” Dr. Balganesh is a global expert on Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases and has a vast experience in leading drug discovery and development. During the lecture he emphasized on the need for developing newer and more potent drugs to eradicate diseases like TB and Malaria. He gave an outline of the drug discovery process followed by challenges that need to be overcome in order for make the availability of cheaper and quality drugs to the common man. Dr. Balganesh's words were truly inspiring and encouraging to the young mind.