
Showing posts from 2014

Report on Guest Lecture organized by Biotechnology Association on December 6, 2014

The Department of Biotechnology organised the fifth guest lecture of 2014-15 on 6 December 2014 in the Mini Auditorium, Block I of Christ University Main Campus.  Dr. T. S. Balganesh, distinguished Scientist CSIR, and Head of the Open Source Drug Discovery Unit delivered a talk on “Antibiotics: are we losing the war?” Dr. Balganesh is a global expert on Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases and has a vast experience in leading drug discovery and development.    During the lecture he emphasized on the need for developing newer and more potent drugs to eradicate diseases like TB and Malaria. He gave an outline of the drug discovery process followed by challenges that need to be overcome in order for make the availability of cheaper and quality drugs to the common man. Dr. Balganesh's words were truly inspiring and encouraging to the young mind.

A Report on Management Development Programme on Leadership for the officials of Coconut Federations

Department of Management Studies conducted the second session of Management Development Programme on Leadership for the officials of Coconut Federations. The session was inaugurated with the welcome speech by HOD, Dr. Jain Mathew, who emphasised the importance of such a programme for the all round development of farmers, followed by the speech by the Deputy Director of Coconut Development Board.  Vote of Thanks was proposed by the coordinator of the programme, Dr.A Sridharan. The sessions were conducted by Dr. Jyothi Kumar, Dr.Jain Mathew, Prof. Balu, L, Dr. Jayasankara Reddy, Dr. Padma Srinivasan and Prof. Suresh Pai.. The officials very well appreciated the efforts of Christ University and expressed their opinion that Christ University can visit their villages and conduct such programmes at the village level itself The programme ended on 20th Dec. '14 with the valedictory function, when Prof. Suresh Pai distributed the certificates to the officials and student volunteers. P

Report on Financial Drive Event organised by Arthaprabandha – The Finance Club, Department of Commerce

Arthaprabandha – The Finance Club, Department of Commerce, organised an event ‘Financial Drive” for the university level on 26 November 2014. The major objectives of this event are as follows. 1. To give insights on various financial products available in the market 2. To give information on tax benefits involved in these various avenues 3. To give basic knowledge on financial products and instruments for the non-commerce background students. Finance club members from final year and second years organised this event and exhibited various charts, posters, pamphlets and direct notice on the available products in the market. Mr. Vash and Mr. Ravi, President and Vice President of our finance club organised this event.   PHOTO GALLERY  

Report : Stock Minds (Virtual Stock Trading) organised by Arthaprabandha – The Finance Club in association with ICICI

On 5 December 2014 Arthaprabandha, The Finance Club of Commerce Department in Association with ICICI learning organised an event named “Stock Minds” virtual stock trading game across all top colleges in India.  Mr. Amar Gupta from ICICI explained the game for our students. Nearly 150 BCom Students attended this event and started registering for this game online. All the instructions was given by Mr. Amar from ICICI, students had a Q&A session on the same. PHOTO GALLERY  

A Report on National Conference on ‘Data Mining & Pattern Recognition’ - Department of Computer Science, CUFE

 On 5th& 6th of December 2014, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a national conference on Data Mining and Pattern Recognition. The chief guest for the inauguration of the conference was Dr. Jay BSimha, CTO of Abiba Systems, Bangalore. The conference saw some prominent guest speakers, involving researchers and academicians as they were given a platform to exchange a variety of information on an emerging topic as well as provide their perspective and opinions. The MTech students both 2nd and 4th Semester students and professors from Mechanical Engineering department were also part of it the conference. The conference commenced with Dr. Simha along with two of his team members, Ms. Vani & Mr. Sudesh presenting on the topic of data science, visual analytics and spatial analytics. Ms. Vani and Mr. Sudesh went on to speak on their respective research as well. Ms. Vani was focusing on market segmentation, data processing and data modeling, while Mr.

A Report of Three Day Management Development Programme on Leadership for Officials of Coconut Federations of Karnataka

Department of Management Studies conducted three day management development programme on leadership for officials of coconut federations of Karnataka between 3rd and 5th December, '14. The officials, who are coconut farmers very well appreciated the way in which the programme was conducted by the faculty from Management Studies, CUIM, Research and Sociology on various aspects of leadership, motivation, communication, inter personal skills, marketing of products,stress management, finer financial aspects of production and related costs.   They expressed that there are huge takeaways for them from this programme and look forward to many more such programmes from Christ University!

A Report on National Seminar on “Narrating Centers and Peripheries: Minority Discourses in India”

Department of English National Seminar on “Narrating Centers and Peripheries: Minority Discourses in India” Guest Lecture and Edakka Performance on 12th December 2014 A guest lecture and performance was organized on 12 December 2014to enable final year students to understand, appreciate and read a traditional art form. Eminent Edakka performer, Sri.Anil Kumar Gopalakrishnan Nair delivered a lecture on the topic “Sopana Sangeetham: The Traditional Art of Kerala”. He spoke at length about the relevance of the art and the significance of the instrument “Edakka”. He stressed upon the symbolic significance of the Edakka as representative of the cosmic universe through the way in which the instrument is made. He also problematised the notions of patronage and the waning response to the art. This was followed by a live performance. The question and answer session saw some students, who are practitioners of the artform, delve into the reasons why women are often prevented from performing

A Report on Chrizellenz - National Level Management Fest

Chrizellenz 2014 – destination excellence achieved Chrizellenz is a national level management fest held at institute of management, christ university, kengeri campus. It was incepted in the year 2009 and since then, the best minds from b-schools across the nation compete to test their business mettle. The event is famous for its creative challenging tasks, best in class hospitality and unlimited fun. We had a spectacular two day buzz of enthusiastic participants on 21st and 22nd november 2014. It was filled with ideas, innovation, creativity, fun and enthusiasm contributed by the best minds from all across the country. The most notable parts of the entire fest were the creativity and artwork with the entire campus decorated with bee-hive themes and related elements. Participants were engaged in stimulating as well as fun events simultaneously. Beehive, that’s how it all started. This theme was a beautiful element added to chrizellenz by navin, a student of mba general managem

Report on Guest Lecture organized by Biotechnology Association on December 8, 2014..

The sixth guest lecture of the academic year 2014-15 was organized by the Biotechnology Association on December 8, 2014 in the Assembly Hall, Block II of Christ University Main Campus. Ms Bhavya D, who is currently a pursuing Ph D in the field of Plant Biotechnology in Nottingham University, UK delivered a lecture on “Crops in the warming world”.    She is an alumnus of Christ University who had done her B Sc BCB course during 2008-2010. She stressed the significance of the emerging area of Plant Genomics and how it plays a major role in improving agricultural productivity in the future.    She also gave insights regarding courses in Nottingham University and other reputed Universities in UK to II and III year BCB and BCZ students. The students got a lot of information regarding the kind of research work in the field of Plant Biotechnology which is being carried out in foreign universities .

REPORT - Inauguration of MRP Diesel Engine R & D Test Facility

Inauguration of MRP Diesel Engine  R & D Test Facility Renault Nissan Laboratory Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Christ University 22 November 2014 FIG 1 INTRODUCTION Under the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between Christ University , Bangalore and RNAIPL (Renault Nissan Automotive India Pvt Ltd.), Oragadam , Chennai , a four cylinder 65 HP class diesel engine hardware (Fig. 1)  has been provided for research.  A MRP ( Major Research Project )-1302 has been sanctioned during NOV 2013  at the cost of about fifty lakhs and three years duration. The aim and objective is to ; 1) Create a state—of-the-art test facility 2) Evaluate the base line engine design characteristics  by extensive testing  and 3) engine mod by going in for a LHR ( Low Heat Rejection Engine) with the idea of providing value added inputs the existing engine in terms of better SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption) and reduced pollutants. The modification LHR engine is envisaged to be realized b

A Report : Facilitating Esteemed Employ Leadership (FEEL) 2014: Three Es Programme—Empower, Enable, Excel

Enrichment programme for non-teaching staff was conducted on November 22, 2014, a day prior to the canonization of our founder Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, seeking his special blessings. Dr A Senthil Kumaran, Principal Counsellor, Education Excellence, CII Institute of Quality, Bangalore was the resource person.     Dr Senthil, who had been a faculty at Christ College, spoke about his experience at Christ College and the drastic changes that the institution is undergoing in every aspect. He stressed the role of academic administrators from the admission process of a student till the student leaves the institution. He emphasized the fact that leadership qualities should be built in each individual. Excellence is a never ending journey What Excellence means for any institution? Two defining characteristics of Excellence are •    an institution understands its imperfections •    it dedicatedly strives for effective continuous improvement “I have been always learnin

Report on "The three day workshop on MSP430 microcontroller and DSP processors".

The Electronics and Communication department of Christ university faculty of engineering, Texas instruments India University program and EdGate Technologies private limited arranged “The three day workshop on MSP430 microcontroller and DSP processors” in association with academic staff college on 17, 20 and 21 October 2014. Day 1: 17-10-2014: MSP430 Theoretical aspects The program began with a detailed study of MSP430 microcontroller architecture. It is a 16-bit mixed signal microcontroller designed for low cost low power applications. The design is based on the Von-Neuman architecture with reduced instruction set. The processor speed is 25MHz and have 256 KB flash memory with 18KB RAM.   DAY 2: 20-10-2014: MSP430 Hands On and Introduction to DSP Processor TMS320C6000 The hands on session started with setting up the board for programming with the software tool Code Composer Studio. The programming is based on C, which will be compiled and written to the memory by