FOLLOWERSHIP - “A Leadership Workshop”

Initiative by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUFE 13 September 2012, Christ University, Kengeri Campus On the 13 th of September, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUFE had organized a workshop on leadership skills. The event was a collaborative effort of Prof K Balachandran, Head of Computer Science &Engineering and Prof Jibrael Jos. Prof Jibrael Jos, presently a faculty in Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Hosur Road, has over 12 years of industry experience in the area of Business Intelligence, Project Management, Recruiting and Training. A group of 24 students, both from M Tech 1 st and 2 nd years had taken effective part in the workshop. The workshop was a day-long session that began at 9 in the morning and went on till 4 in the evening. The leadership workshop, termed as “Followership” workshop, was filled with many activities that were not only aimed at bringing out effective leaders in the participa...