Chrizellenz 2014 - India Management Fest, Kengeri Campus

Chrizellenz 2014 “When champions go into battle, it is a war worth watching!” “Chrizellenz 2014” was a pan India Management Fest, in which Top B schools of the country participated and put their skills on display. It was an arena where they were given a chance to showcase their managerial capabilities in front of a crowd of 2500 students in a two-day event. The fest this year was held on 24 th and 25 th of January 2014. The theme was “prism” , which marks the convergence of talents from the corners of country at the lush greens of the Kengeri Campus. Chrizellenz 2014 was the prism that converged different flavors of events, students, strategies, mind work, management learning into one and above all gave the participants an exhilarating experience. Registrations had started flooding in since November 2013. There were 154 participants and 81 teams of management institutes from all over India. Most of the participants were from Institutions of Karnataka...