Department of Tourism Studies - National Seminar, 18th and 19th February 2014

The national seminar was
organized with the aim to widen the understanding on research, and to address
the challenges facing tourism, hospitality and management, while strengthening
the research capacity of the scholars.
In response to our call of
papers, we received more than 40 abstracts out of which 28 abstracts were
selected. A record 28 papers were presented, 4 papers were presented in the technical
sessions, two concurrent sessions each with 12 papers ran parallel to each
other over a duration of two and half hours.
The seminar also organized 3
plenary sessions spread over the two days and one panel discussion. Majority of
the participants were young researchers, research scholars, academicians, from various
colleges and institutions in India.
The seminar was inaugurated
with Dr. Tomy K Kallarkal, Head, Department of Tourism Studies welcoming the
delegates to Christ University and the theme of the seminar was introduced by
Dr. Joby Thomas, Coordinator, Department of Tourism Studies.

The seminar was inaugurated by
Mr. B C Kiran, Regional Manager, Eco Login. In his inaugural address, Mr. B C
Kiran addressed the audience on “Alternative working models in sustainable
tourism” and provided an insight into new dimensions in conservation, new
dimensions in local participation and also in eco login’s efforts towards eco
Ms. Neha Srinivasan, Student
coordinator National Seminar 2014 proposed the vote of thanks in the inaugural
The seminar commenced with
plenary session 1on the topic “From
Sustainable to Socially Just Tourism” by Ms. Swathi Seshadri from
Equations. The presenter pointed out “Sustainable Development in Tourism in
different dimensions like Economy, Environment, Politics, Social and Cultural
domain. It also includes democratic equitable and social justice of Tourism.
Speaker also throws light on how Homestay's can be a burden for women.”
The plenary session was
followed by Technical session 1 and the session was chaired by Mr.V.Jayakumar,
Academic Co-ordinator, Department of Hotel Management, Christ University and
Dr.Suja John , Assistant Professor &M.Phil Co-ordinator, Department Of
Tourism Studies, Christ University.
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