A Report on Convergence 2014, The Annual Inter-collegiate Mathematical fest.

Convergence, The Annual Inter-collegiate Mathematical fest organized by the Mathematics Association of Christ University (MACU), is an active forum that gives the opportunities to the young mathematicians to showcase their talent through different events enhancing the thinking skills and reasoning abilities.

Convergence 2014 was the stepping stone to the path of knowledge and self-learning that served as the platform to the individuals with high intellect and interest in the field of mathematics.

The fest was held on the 18th of August 2014 in which 15 colleges participated. It began with an inspirational video designed by the math students that built an envelope and understanding of mathematics in each and every part of our daily life.

Events included Jam, Puzzles & Crossword, Lecture Contest, Dumb Charades, Group discussion Mathematical modeling and Quiz where each event evaluated a unique strength of the participant. Quiz and Jam finals that left the auditorium clapping with loud cheers on the astounding performance of the shortlisted participants. 

On one hand, Jam that works on the capability of immense concentration attentiveness and reflex action marked as a thriller, Quiz left each spectator running their mind over the thought-provoking questions.

Dr. Shobha Begai, Associate Professor, Cluster Innovations, University of Delhi distributed the prizes to the winners and appreciated the participation and university arrangement and also inspired us all by her motivational words. 

Christ University won the overall trophy and Kristu Jayanti College was the runner’s up.

Convergence 2014 marked a grand success behind which lies the hard work and devotion of the Mathematics Department and all the volunteers including the event heads and the Student coordinator.


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