After having grand Inauguration of the CUFE IEEE SB on the 22nd of June, 2015, the CUFE IEEE SB came up with an awareness drive: "IEEE & WHY ENGINEERING?!" on the 27th July, 2015 in the Block I Auditorium with beneficieries of 500 memebers. The speakers for the event were Mr. Vishwas Jois, SAC Co-Chair, IEEE Bangalore Section and Mr. Darshan Shivakumar, SAC Coordinator, IEEE Bangalore.

The gathering was welcomed by Dr. S.Suganthi, CUFE IEEE SB Counselor wherein she spoke about the existence & purpose of the student branch at CUFE Campus. She introduced the speakers who have been active IEEE members in Bangalore section for the past few years and also during their college days.
IEEE SB Counselor Dr.S.Suganthi welcoming the gathering

Mr. Vishwas initiated the first session with 250 students that comprised of the 5th and 7th semesters of CSE&IT, EEE and ECE. He spoke about Engineering and how it has changed a common man's life. He then went on to talk about IEEE. The session was continued by Mr. Darshan, who spoke about how to join IEEE and the benefits of joining IEEE.
Speaker Mr.Viswas receiving a Bouquet from Mr.Mahendra Vucha
Mr.Viswas addressing the gathering

The second session with nearly 300 students of 3rd semester B.Tech and 1st and 3rd semester of M.Tech CSE & IT, EEE and ECE was initiated by the speaker Mr. Darshan and concluded by Mr. Vishwas.
 Mr.Darshan interacting with the Audience

Mr.Viswas with Memento
 Mr.Darshan with Memento

The CUFE EXECOM members announced a competition for an Official Logo for CUFE IEEE SB. Also volunteers were invited to join for organizing the IEEE SYW Leadership Congress 2015, planned to be held at CUFE Campus by IEEE Bangalore Section in collaboration with CUFE IEEE SB during August last week.

The speakers also highlighted the significance IEEE for the human community by mentioning the frequency band designations and standards issued by IEEE 802 which are widely followed globally for wireless networks like Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, RFID, Blutooth, Zigbee.

The event was concluded with Dr. S.Suganthi felicitating the speakers with mementos.

Finally the technocratic crowd dispersed with a Take Home Message of “Become a valued member of IEEE soon and feel proud”!

Report Prepared by
Aishwarya Muralidharan, IEEE SB Secretary, CUFE &
Dr.S.Suganthi, IEEE SB Counsellor, CUFE
Our Reference: Geo-code STB17341 Bangalore SB


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